Top 3% in Central Ohio
103 Closings
We helped clients close on 103 properties last year.
$25M in Sales
We sold $25.1 million in real estate last year.
11 Days Active
We helped sellers average 11 days from listing to in contract.
Why hire an agent when you can hire a team?
Our talented group brings the benefits of a personalized experience AND around the clock support. We aim to provide you with a five-star level of service by offering a team of agents, a marketing professional, and a client care specialist to help make your home buying and selling experience as smooth as possible.
We Value Our Clients
Our clients are important to us and we want to make sure they know. So we send them postcards of things to do in Central Ohio, contests, and appreciation gifts.

It takes a village.
We are so thankful for the support of everyone who has been there for us and that’s why we work hard to give back to our community.
With help from our clients, friends, and family, we have collected and donated thousands of book bags, school supplies, toys, blankets, canned food, and money for local organizations.